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Ayurvedic treatments and diet in the monsoon season


In countries like India that are located in hot and dry tropics, the summer months drain out the energies out of everyone. We all seek relief from the scorching sun and its heat that forces all of us to change our routines and avoid most of the works that require going outside. Monsoon brings much relief and cheers among the people here in India and is an eagerly awaited season of the midyear. However, this is also the time when humidity begins to peak because the atmosphere is already very heated and early showers generate enough of moisture in the environment. Such weather conditions are often characterized by a lack of fresh air in the atmosphere while germs and pathogens of diversity find this situation very conducive to them. Thus overall, from the health point of view, monsoon presents a challenge for most of us, assert experts at the leading Ayurvedic center in Pune.

Why special diets and treatments in a monsoon?

As per Ayurveda, the balance of vata, pitta, and kapha is generally misbalanced during the monsoon season. The pitta in particular that also represents the digestive fire in the human body is also affected. Due to this, the digestion weakens and this serves as the basis for various diseases. Ayurveda specialists, therefore, counsel adoption of specific diets and treatments to remain fit and buoyant against different potential ailments that can affect the body. Their fundamental prescription is for the Ayurvedic detoxification treatment which is more aptly called as the panchkarma. Here are the detox treatments that are recommended by the Ayurvedic experts –

Abhayangam – it is the medicated oil massage that is used to bring out the toxins from the body. This massage also soothes the skin tissue and imparts a glow to it from within. Such massage is generally followed by the steam bath that helps to open the clogged pores of the skin and thus facilitates sweating towards removal of toxins, opine the experts offering Ayurvedic panchkarma treatment in Pune.

Swedana – it is the heat treatment and is given in two ways. One method is the patrapotli swedana wherein a bolus of medicinal herbs’ leaves is wrapped in a cotton cloth and dipped in medicated oils and then applied to the body. It is useful in arthritis and spondilysis treatments. The other is a dry heat administration and called as ruksha swedana.

Basti – it is the enema and involves administering medicated oils and decoctions to clean the gut and thus remove the accumulated toxins from there.

The diet recommendations in monsoon –

Since the digestive fire is affected during monsoon season, it is imperative to make a deviation in one’s fooding styles and choices. Experts at Ayurvedic center in Pune counsel the following tips regarding what to eat during monsoon. Have a look –

Foods that are good for you –

  • Grains —rice, wheat, jowar should be preferred
  • Vegetables – bottle gourd, snake gourd and bhindi are considered good for monsoon
  • Legumes – arhar daal, green and black gram can be taken
  • Garlic, Onion, Ginger are good as these boost immunity and digestion
  • Fruits like dates, mulberry and coconut are good
  • Milk products – take cow milk, cow ghee and buttermilk
  • Better if you take boiled water that has been cooled down!

With these counsels, your monsoon experience would be truly enjoyable and without any health problems!

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